Проект " ReGap"
"Намалување на образовниот јаз за мигранти и бегалци во земјите на ЕУ со високо релевантни ресурси за е-учење кои нудат силна социјална припадност"

Проектот ReGap има за цел да понуди висококвалитетни културно чувствителни ресурси за учење со отворен пристап, за возрасни мигранти и бегалци од двата пола во земјите на ЕУ.
Проектот ќе го намали образовниот јаз за мигранти и бегалци во европските земји бидејќи обезбедува можности за вработување и социјална вклученост, поддржани од специфични и ажурирани знаења од земјите партнери на проектот за: работа, здравје, социјална сигурност, образование, еднаквост, системи на правда и прописи во врска со државјанство.
Повеке информации за проектот: 
Институт за развој на заедницата
Community Development Institute
Tel: +389-44-340-677
Marsal Tito 106
Tetovo, 1200 Macedonija


Project ReGap

Reducing the Educational Gap for migrants and refugees in EU countries with highly
relevant e-learning resources offering strong social belonging

The ReGap project aims to extend high quality culturally sensitive open access learning resources to adult migrants and refugees of both genders in EU countries. The project promotes the Erasmus+ objective of equity and inclusion by addressing the need to feel a real sense of social belonging and to gain the knowledge skills necessary to take part in employment, health, social security and schooling on an equal footing with EU citizens. This requires e-learning activities that are culturally and gender sensitive and at the same time offer the opportunity to be delivered not only fully on-line, but in-person in blended mode for those who have lower ICT skills..
The project will reduce the education gap for migrants and refugees in European countries as they secure employment and social belonging opportunities supported by country specific and up-to-date knowledge about work, health, social security, education and systems of justice and regulations concerning citizenship and equality.
Specifically the objectives of the reducing the education gap (ReGap) project are:
1. To develop and offer e-learning courses that are culturally and gender sensitive, using examples specific to each country in which the resource(s) are offered,
2. To develop, trial and evaluate e-learning course resources meeting key needs in employment, health, education, social security and knowledge of justice systems and citizenship regulations,
3. To develop e-learning courses that include an introductory component to create socially shared participant identity and belonging and enhanced ICT skills,
4.. To trial the delivery of the e-learning courses fully or blended mode by teachers and professionals for those with lower ICT skills.
5. A short e-learning video with subtexts in different partner languages and English; along with a handbook in partner languages and English to be used by educators and other professionals.
6. To disseminate the e-learning resources regionally, nationally and internationally within and beyond project partners and the EU
The innovative character of the ReGap project is its focus on adult migrant and refugee learners with new and innovative e-learning resources targeting the needs of both genders in a culturally sensitive fashion.
ReGap project partners are: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University) - Norvay, LIBERA UNIVERSITA MARIA SS ASSUNTA - Rome, UPORTO (UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO) - Portugal, Association"COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE” CDI - Macedonia.
Project ReGap is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

More about project ReGap:

